The sigma male is a rare type of man that evades categorisation according to traditional social hierarchies. These deep thinking men are unique in their ways, and often appear somewhat mysterious to the world around them. The allure and mystery of the sigma male is made up of a collection of dynamic, and often charming, characteristics. Here is the Bloke Box guide to the traits that most commonly appear in sigma males, and set them apart from the crowd.


They are unconcerned by society’s expectations.

The sigma male is one who doesn’t fit in to the moulds that make up the traditional social hierarchy of men. Whereas an alpha wants to lead, and a beta wants to follow, the sigma male is unconcerned by such matters. Instead, the sigma male lives by his own set of expectations for himself. These men do not tend to lose sleep worrying about what others think of them, or asking themselves whether or not they are living up to society’s expectations. You would be hard pressed to find a sigma male hopping on the latest social trends, as he is simply unconcerned with keeping up with these passing fads.

A sigma male sets his own set of goals and priorities for his life, and no amount of preaching is likely to change these goals and priorities. The only set of expectations that truly matter to the sigma male, are those he has set for himself.


They are natural rule breakers.

Part and parcel of existing outside of the grasp of typical social norms and expectations is a penchant for bending or even breaking the rules. As the sigma male is one who sets his own set of expectations about what can and can’t be done, he will often be found disregarding the rules put in place by others, and operating on his own personal sense of right and wrong. This is part of the sigma male’s strategy for self preservation when he is acting outside of the social norm. In order to get what he needs and wants without pandering to a system, the sigma male simply needs to take matters in to his own hands and find a set of rights and wrongs that works for him. As the sigma male also tends to be highly analytic, you’ll find that there’s often a very sound logic underlying which rules a sigma chooses to stick to, and whichhe chooses to break.


They can often be loners.

The sigma male is totally unconcerned by pack dynamics. Rather than trying to lead the pack, or find a good position from which to follow others, the sigma simply marches to the beat of his own drum. This total sense of independence means that, from the outside, a sigma man can appear as somewhat of a loner to others. In reality, it is not that the sigma male can not fit in as part of a group. In fact, his high emotional intelligence allows him to do this pretty easily. Rather, the sigma male tends to actually be more content as a one man show, without having to worry about or take responsibility for the actions and behaviours of others. It is indeed the sigma male’s confidence in his own abilities that allows him to happily make his way through life as the lone wolf of the pack. 


They do not seek validation from others.

Living outside the typical male hierarchy means that the sigma male is pretty much totally unconcerned with the kind of validation that most other men find themselves seeking. Living by his own set of rules means that the judgement of others is pretty worthless to the sigma male, regardless of whether that judgement is positive or negative. The only person whose opinion can truly validate a sigma male, is himself. This trait of the sigma male often leads to great respect and admiration from his peers, as he lives his life simply to satisfy himself, and not to seek constant validation or praise from those around him. Rather than waste energy on trivialities such as attention seeking, the sigma male can devote this energy to getting ahead and achieving his goals without being side tracked by petty distractions.


They don’t easily let others in.

His prevailing tendency to act as a lone wolf in society means that for a sigma male to let others in can be somewhat of a rare occurrence. The sigma male prefers to be self reliant in all matters, and so sharing can sometimes feel overbearing or frankly like a waste of time. This is not to say that the sigma male bottles up his feelings however, rather he is just confidently self sufficient in his ability to manage his own problems and emotions. While it is rare, it is certainly by no means impossible for a sigma male to let in someone from the outside. If it’s someone the sigma male really trusts and values the advice of, he may just open up. This is just another example of the sigma male’s emotional intelligence leading to him knowing exactly when to reach out to others, and exactly who to turn to.


They are self-aware.

Being so self reliant, the sigma male naturally knows himself very well. It would be impossible to act effectively as a lone wolf without a strong sense of self awareness. The sigma male’s self awareness manifests in many different ways. One of the most prominent of these is his ability to recognise his own abilities and limitations. The sigma male does not walk through life wearing a blindfold, convinced that he can do anything. The sigma male truly knows his strengths and weaknesses, and uses this self knowledge to his advantage. This kind of self awareness does not simply appear out of nowhere, however. Rather, this deep and reflective sense of self awareness is one of the major advantages that sigma males get from spending a lot of quality time just by themselves.


They can come across as spontaneous or unpredictable.

Having so little regard for society’s rules, and the judgement of others, it should come as no surprise that the sigma male can act in a way that, to the outside, may come across as a little… unpredictable. Free from the constraints of societal norms and expectations, the sigma male is able to act according to his true authentic instincts and desires. Whereas other men might hold themselves back from taking certain action out of fear of judgement or ostracisation, the sigma male couldn’t care less. This might seem unpredictable, or even chaotic to those on the outside – but to the sigma male, his inner reasoning is clear as day. Unconcerned by what others think, he will follow his heart in a way that is often a source of surprise, admiration, and even envy of those around him.


They’re natural leaders that always stay humble.

Whereas the alpha male intends to lead those around him, the sigma male usually finds himself naturally ascending to a position of leadership and authority, without ever having sought it out. Given the right circumstances, sigma males can advance to serious positions of leadership, and take on the role of an alpha without even intending to. It is usually their passion, dedication, and penchant for innovation that sees them rising to the top and providing those around them with inspiration. The sheer authenticity of these leadership traits within the sigma male means that they lead him to a position of power without fuelling an over-inflated sense of ego. The sigma male accepts his position of leadership with grace and humility, which only leads to him achieving even further heights of respect from those he leads.


They are deep thinkers.

The fact that the sigma male prefers a solitary life means that he is left with a lot of time for deep thinking and reflection. The sigma male enjoys giving himself the necessary space to ponder topics to their full extent. It is through spending so much time in a deep and thorough state of reflection that the sigma male arrives at such clarity of thought. His opinions are well formed and rooted in solid logic, and you would be hard pressed to find him pushing a point that he has not fully considered. All this deep thinking means that sigma males usually possess noticeably sharper critical thinking skills than many of their male counterparts, which can make them a fierce opponent should you ever come up against them in a debate.


They lead without force.

Unlike some of their alpha counterparts, the sigma male’s style of leadership is entirely without force. The sigma male motivates his team through example. His dedication, passion, and unique way of approaching problems are enough to convince those around him to follow his lead. Sigmas in positions of power never need to coerce the people they manage to do as they bid – their team will naturally recognise the sigma’s calculated wisdom and follow out of their own volition. This makes them particularly strong leaders, as their power comes from respect and never from fear.


Living their own lifestyle is a major priority.

Trying to cage a sigma male is quite simply a lost cause. These males will prioritise the ability to lead their own lifestyle above all else in life. Settling for conformity is just not an option for the sigma men of this world. For this reason, they will do their best to avoid environments and individuals that attempt to exert too much control over them. Clinginess and neediness are traits that set off alarm bells ringing in the mind of a sigma male. Friends or employers whose demands over a sigma male’s routine become overbearing should not be surprised if the sigma decides to up and leave in order to protect their independence.


They are prone to taking risks.

Because of their spontaneity and inability to conform to the norm, sigma males often end up developing a bit of a reputation for being risk takers. This comes as a result of acting out of instinct and taking chances in situations where other men may act with greater caution. While to those on the outside, this trait may come across as recklessness, the sigma male in truth is only able to take these risks because of the confidence he possesses. At the heart of sigma confidence is a deep sense of self awareness. He knows his abilities better than anyone, and won’t let society tell him what he can or can’t do. If a sigma male feels like he is able to do something, chances are he’s going to do it. This self knowledge and understanding of his own abilities means that more often than not when a sigma male takes a risk, it ends up being worth it. With such a good track record for success, this penchant for taking risks usually only leads to an even greater sense of admiration towards the sigma male from those around him.


They are able to live in the moment.

A sigma male possesses that illusive ability to truly live in the moment. Their lack of anxiety about what others think of them means that sigma men are more able to seize opportunity than many of their male counterparts. Their logical way of thinking usually means that they possess particularly sharp instincts, and this quick wit allows them to really grab life by the reins. A sigma male will often be the first to volunteer for a challenge, and the people around them may perceive this as him being prone to take risks. While the sigma male is more naturally inclined to take risks, they are also very in touch with their gut instincts, and a lot of their decisions are dictated by their ability to truly live in the moment.


They possess a natural intellectual thirst.

The sigma male’s analytical nature leaves him with an innate intellectual thirst that just can’t be quenched. They are not ones to settle for a shallow understanding of anything. When they are interested in a topic, they tend to do deep research and look through as many sources as possible. Achieving a deep and comprehensive understanding of a subject brings a real sense of satisfaction to the sigma male. They tend to have sharp research skills and a strong memory that allows them to grasp difficult concepts and retain large amounts of information over time. 

This intelligent and analytical nature also extends beyond facts, and to the people that a sigma is surrounded by. Sigma males possess a keen ability to read the emotions and behaviours of those around them. While they may not be the most empathetic or emotional of people themselves, they don’t have a hard time seeing right through others and producing clear and insightful readings of their peers. For this reason, sigma males are often great to turn to when there’s a question that needs answering. Whether it be clearing up facts, or asking for advice about another person, the sigma male can be counted on to always have an answer.


They have a penchant for financial success.

The strong, confident nature of the sigma male, coupled with his intelligence and analytical style of thinking, often bodes well for his bank account. Sigma males often find themselves ascending to positions of authority in their careers, for the natural leadership qualities that we have previously discussed. The fact that they are so dedicated to self sufficiency means that they are also usually pretty savvy when it comes to how they use their money. They are not ones to spend money frivolously or waste money on trying to impress others. All this adds up to sigma males tending to do pretty well financially, when compared to many of their peers, allowing them to live with the independence that they are built for.


They are non-commital.

The lone wolf attitude of the sigma male comes to affect his attachment style when it comes to relationships. Whether it be friendships or romantic relationships, one thing the sigma male really doesn’t like is to be tied down. Friends that become too needy or clingy will find themselves distanced by the sigma male, as he needs to reserve enough time and energy for himself. The same applies to romantic prospects.

The elusive, and often charming nature of the sigma male usually means that he is not short on romantic prospects, as women tend to find him attractive and alluring. However, the sigma male usually approaches these encounters with women with as little commitment as possible. More important to the sigma male than love or sex is his independence and ability to live life as he pleases. If committing to a partner looks set to threaten his independence, the sigma male is likely to get out of that situation as quickly as possible. Although, luckily for the women involved, the sigma male is also pretty emotionally intelligent and highly honest, meaning that he will usually make his lack of commitment clear at the onset of the relationship, putting everyone on the same page and preventing him from leaving a trail of broken hearts.


They have their own style.

One way to spot a sigma male is in how they present themselves. As with all aspects of the sigma male, individuality and independence are key. The sigma male has absolutely no time for conformity, and won’t dress himself or style himself a certain way just to fit in. This is not to say that the sigma male necessarily dresses eccentrically, rather just that he won’t jump on a fashion trend just for the sake of fitting in. He is too disinterested and unconcerned by such trivialities to waste money buying certain brands just to impress others. The sigma male’s style is all about what he wants – whether that be a matter of comfort or self-expression. As the sigma male tends to prefer a quiet life without drawing too much attention to himself, it’s also unlikely to spot a sigma male dressing overtly loud and proud. He simply leaves the house looking whichever way he feels most himself.


They’re introverts with confidence.

The thing that makes a sigma male so rare and unique in nature is the unusual blend of alpha and beta traits that he possesses. The sigma male is indeed introverted in nature, gaining more power and energy from time spent with himself rather than the company of others. But, unlike many introverted males, he is not shy. In fact, the sigma male is a particularly confident type of man when it comes to his self worth and sense of self esteem. The quiet, introverted nature of the sigma male is not in fact a contradiction to his confidence, rather it is actually enabled by his confidence. Only by feeling so secure in himself, and so disinterested in how the people around him perceive him, that he does not feel the need to speak up for the sake of impressing others or making people like him. The sigma male exudes a quiet confidence that sets him apart from the standard introvert or extrovert classification.


They naturally find the spotlight, even when they don’t want it.

Despite being quiet and often brooding figures who prefer to stick to themselves, the sigma male is no stranger to attention. His quiet wisdom and maverick nature mean that he can more often than not find himself at the centre of attention, even without wanting it. Women tend to find him attractive, and he may find himself being romantically and sexually propositioned without even trying. His unique, lone wolf attitude is part of the reason why sigma males are at the centre of so many movies and books. Iconic characters like John Wick, Mad Max, and Tyler Durden are all cinematic examples of how the sigma male’s aloof allure often leads him to be the centre of attention, without any effort or desire to be so. Luckily, the sigma male’s lack of need for validation from others means that even with all this unsolicited attention coming his way, his ego is unlikely to inflate and he will always remain humble.



They highly value personal space.

Personal space is one thing that the sigma male treasures above just about all else. As his main goals in life are independence and self sufficiency, there are few things that bother a sigma male more than an invasion of his personal and physical boundaries. Maintaining clear boundaries around his physical space allows sigma males to keep the distance and independence that they need in order to think and work clearly. They are at their best when they are left alone, so crowded or shared spaces often see them suffering. It is highly common for sigma males to prioritise this need for personal space above all else, and they will adjust their work, relationships, and finances just to facilitate maintaining the personal space that they need to thrive.


They are great at achieving their goals.

When a sigma male sets himself a goal, it is more likely than not that he will ultimately achieve it. There are a number of reasons why the sigma male is so good at achieving his goals. First and foremost, the sigma male will only set himself goals that he truly believes in. This means he won’t waste any time chasing achievements for the sake of impressing others, or creating a certain image for himself. The authenticity of the sigma’s goals means that he will always pursue them with true passion, something that allows him to persevere through any set backs that may present themselves on the path to success. Furthermore, the calculated, intelligent, and analytical nature of the sigma male means that he tends to put together solid and well thought out plans for how to achieve his goals. The sigma male is not one to blindly pursue an end, he will always create a viable path to success rooted in a deep understanding of his own abilities, and what he wants to achieve.


They are mysterious to the outside.

Perhaps the most stand out trait of the sigma male is the mystery and uniqueness he gives off to those around him. The sigma male is entirely himself, walking a different path than the rest of society. Others on the outside tend not to understand this, and tend to perceive the sigma male as somewhat of an enigma. Understanding his thought process is not something that those around him can do, and as a result, he often ends up appearing unpredictable and exuding a certain air of mystery. This air of mystery is likely to intrigue those around him, making him interesting and attractive, and ironically often making it harder for the sigma to maintain the solitude and independence he thrives off most. Being a source of fascination is just the natural consequence of the unique way of thinking and doing things innate to the sigma male.

We hope you enjoyed this comprehensive Bloke Box list of sigma traits, and that you have a better idea of how to spot the rare and elusive sigma male. Thanks for reading, and make sure to check out our latest articles.