The sigma male is the rarest of all the male personality types on the social dominance hierarchy. Part of what makes him so rare to come across is the unique mind set by which he lives his life. Rather than be swayed by the expectations of others, sigma males tend to develop a clear set of standards for themselves and stick to these expectations with unparalleled dedication. Their dedication to the rules they live by lies at the heart of the personal and financial success that is so often associated with being a sigma male. We’re going to delve deep into the sigma psyche and unpack the rules that every sigma male lives by, with number one being the most important of all.

Here are 15 life rules of a sigma male:


Stand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing alone

American singer Andy Biersack is quoted as having first said these poignant words, a lesson that every sigma male knows well. Sigma males are known for their complete independence of both action and thought. As a rule, a sigma male will always stand up for the ideas and causes he believes in, regardless of the perhaps contrasting feelings of those around him. This is a key part of the reason that, despite their introverted nature, sigma males often end up taking on roles of leadership in society, as they are not afraid to break from the pack in order to support the ideas they truly believe in. When others take note of this, they often fall in line and follow the sigma’s independent stance.


Take full responsibility for your goals in life

A sigma male understands through and through that the only person he can truly rely on in life is himself. When it comes to achieving his goals, this is especially true. Sigma males understand that if there is a barrier to achieving a certain goal, it must ultimately be him who lifts it. Sigma males don’t walk around life expecting hand outs or assistance, rather they focus all their energy into carving out the life they want for themselves. The sigma male’s ability to take full responsibility for his own goals and desires is key to why he so often finds a degree of financial, professional, and personal success that others can only aspire to.


Never take no for answer

Sigmas have built somewhat of a reputation for their stubbornness or persistence. If a sigma male truly believes in something, it can be a difficult task to try to convince him otherwise. Likewise, when a sigma male truly wants or believes in something, he will often refuse to take no for an answer. Sigma males are inherently persistent and start a task with the intention of completing it to its fullest. Roadblocks and rejections mean little to sigma males, and they tend to persist beyond refusals and persevere until they get the outcome they know they want.


Embrace your limitations

Whereas most of society lives somewhat in fear of being confronted with their own weaknesses or limitations, the sigma male rather embraces this. Sigma males are note worthy for the total sense of honesty with which they handle themselves. They understand that in order to grow, it is necessary to have an awareness of where their limitations lie and that only through understanding his boundaries can he expand or break them. The sigma male in fact relishes any opportunity to discover and test his limitations and embraces them as a challenge that motivates him to continue his personal growth.


Live in the moment

The sigma male lives in the moment, through and through. Sigmas rarely waste time keeping their head stuck in the past, mulling over past mistakes. Sigma males understand that life is all about growing beyond our past selves, and to obsess over the past only stunts this growth. Similarly, sigma males are not known for their tendency to plan extensively ahead. They understand that life is unpredictable and that it’s best to remain open to whatever opportunities might come knocking. Rather than live extensively in the past or the future, the sigma male chooses to live in the moment as much as possible and squeeze the most out of his present self. 


Silence is golden

One of the best known traits of the sigma male is his introverted and somewhat mysterious nature. The aloof exterior of the sigma male is in fact a product of his understanding that silence is golden. Sigma males know that it is better to listen and observe before speaking out of turn. Whereas more extroverted personality types can often end up speaking for the sake of speaking, the sigma male chooses his words carefully and knows that it’s best to speak only if he’s sure that what he has to say is better than silence.


Choose friends wisely

Sigma males are the lone wolves of the social hierarchy choosing to operate outside its bounds and walk their own path. Unlike most of the other personality types in the social dominance hierarchy, they do not rely on interaction with and approval from others in order to validate their sense of self. As a result, sigma males tend not to have large groups of social relationships. Rather, they prefer to cultivate a few highly authentic friendships and remain loyal to these over a long period of time, rather than spread themselves thin amidst a throng of shallow and superficial friendships. Sigma males are not fair weather friends, and once they build trust with someone, they can often stay friends for life. 


Personal space is a must

As society’s lone wolves, it should hardly come as a surprise that sigma males value their personal space as something hallowed. Like other introverted personality types, extensive social interaction can have a draining effect on the sigma male, and this is something of which he is well aware. Sigma males dedicate a lot of effort towards maintaining a personal space that is entirely theirs and can serve as a place to recharge in solitude. As deeply reflective individuals, sigma males need this sanctuary in order to have a place to think and stay connected to their inner selves.


You don’t owe any explanations for being who you are

Being so deeply in touch with their authentic inner selves, sigma males have a profound understanding of who they truly are. They know their wants, desires, beliefs and weaknesses better than anyone else. And when it comes to who they are, sigma males don’t feel the need to make apologies or excuses. Often, those around the sigma male can find him hard to understand, and sometimes he can end up being viewed as somewhat of an anomaly by his peers. This is of little importance to the sigma male, however, as he makes a point of living his life without the need to answer to anybody but himself.


Success requires action

The sigma male understands that in order to achieve his goals, he needs to act. Sigma males are not one to sit around mulling over ideas. They are spontaneous, instinctive, and like to take risks. When their gut tells them to act, they act. This ability to spring into action based on instinct is part of the reason why sigma males so often find themselves reaping the kind of big rewards that only come with taking equally big risks.


Block out the noise

Sigma males possess a remarkable ability to block out the noise and chatter of the society that surrounds them. They are completely uninterested in the judgements and expectations of others, and make it a rule to ignore such superficialities. Sigma care little for the fashions and trends that dominate society, and instead carve out their own way of life. Sigma males also have the ability to maintain intensely focused on their goals and intentions no matter their surroundings. This ability safeguards them from any preconceptions or judgement that society might direct at them.


Complaint achieves nothing

Already rather non-vocal by nature, hearing a sigma male voice a complaint is a very rare occurrence indeed. Rather than sit around and waste words with complaint, sigma males prefer to tackle imperfections through action. When they spot a problem, they instantly get to work on devising the best approach to creating a solution. This rule often sees sigma males rising quickly through the ranks in professional settings, as they develop such sharp problem solving abilities.


Quality over quantity

Quality over quantity is one of the most important rules that governs the life of every sigma males. Whether it be in relation to friends, experiences, or opportunities, sigma males understand that quality always outweighs quantity. These unique individuals would rather maintain close and meaningful friendships as opposed to big groups of acquaintances, cultivate a set of significant experiences, and pursue only the opportunities about which they are truly passionate. Due to this rule, sigma males end up living remarkably fulfilled lives, filled with personal growth and meaningful memories.


Reflect, reflect, reflect

Introverted and reflective by nature, sigma males make it a point in life to actively reflect on who they are, and the world around them. Sigma males take time out of their daily lives which they dedicate towards reflection. Only through this reflection do they develop such an astute ability to detect problems and get to the bottom of them. Once a sigma male has identified a problem that can be addressed in his life, he then turns his reflective powers towards finding a solution. The sigma male’s dedication to reflection is what pushes him to continuously grow more than other common personality types.


Know who you are, become who you want to be

Sigma males are, above all, honest with themselves. They are not afraid to look deep inside and see themselves for who they are. With reflection and honesty, sigma males maintain a clear idea of who they truly are that allows them to then become the man that they ultimately want to be. Other personality types rather spend their whole lives convincing themselves they are already the person they wish to think of themselves as. The sigma male, on the other hand, treats himself with the kind of honesty that allows him to make sincere changes and experience true growth.