Alpha, Beta, Omega. No, that’s not the name of a college fraternity. As you probably guessed from the title I was referring to just some of the types of males.  Specifically the different male personality types that make up the men of the world.  The initial theory started with the idea that human society resembled a wolf pack in terms of there being a hierarchy. After all as humans we are all still relatively primitive beings living in an increasingly modern world.  So naturally there are some primordial personality types that stemmed from that.  You probably know at least of the few of these types that you can think of in your daily life. Who knows after reading this you may look at some of them or even yourself a little differently. Depending on who you ask there are at least six different male personality types.  So we’re going to be taking a look at 7 of them. 


Zeta Male

The Zeta Male is one of the lesser known male personality types.  As you can imagine, it is considered to be the polar opposite of the Alpha males which we’ll get to in a bit.  The Zeta male is a one man wolfpack.  Stop thinking about the movie the Hangover, I know you are, stop it. 

As Zeta’s are lone wolves they tend to keep their own company and live by their own rules.  This strict code of solitude also extends into Zeta’s love life as Zeta’s tend to be celibate by choice.  Choosing forgo things like sex and marriage.   Each has their own reasons for this choice of course, for some it may be just a matter of going through life with blinders on. Only seeing directly what is in front of them to achieve their goals.  For some it may be they had relationships go wrong and as a result choose to not focus any energy on things that may distract them.  It can be a lonely existence in more than one way.

But as any Zeta will tell you, even being a lone wolf is better than being a sheep.


Gamma Male

The Gamma Male is an interesting one as Gamma’s are like the stew of personality types.  There tends to be a little bit of everything in this personality type unlike the others.  Typically with a personality type there is one defining characteristic that stands out. 

With Gamma’s there are no internal dominant personality types.   For example someone with a Gamma Personality type is as empathetic as they are adventurous.  Certain people over the years have viewed empathy is a “feminine” emotion or a weakness.  But anyone who’s ever had a male doctor with horrible bedside manner will tell you how important of a trait empathy is to have.

Clearly that is one of Gamma’s strengths. As well Gamma’s tend to be very self aware in terms of themselves and how their actions affect others. Which combined with their empathy is a major advantage in whatever field they choose to go into. Not to mention the fact that Gamma’s tend to be both eager and adventurous.  So your Gamma friend may be the one to suggest a crazy adventure, but he’ll also at least hopefully make sure you live through it.  Of the personality types, Gamma’s tend to be more shy.


The Omega Male

Full disclosure,  typing above made me think of a movie called The Omega Man. The movie was later remade starring Will Smith. Speaking of Omega Males this personality type tends to be more chill and easy going than the other types of personalities.  Omegas very much walk to the beat of their own drummer. They’re intelligent even to the point of being nerdy about things like video games, or things they collect.  But unlike other personality types Omegas aren’t looking to rule the world it’s just where they keep their stuff. 

He’s typically that friend who’s really smart in a lot of different ways but doesn’t apply those smarts in a useful way.  We’ve all got a friend like that who is both the smartest person we know and the least successful.  While other personality types may work towards the huge house and collection of supercars the Omega is happy with a basement apartment and the latest video game.  Nor are they typically looking to attract as many women as they can.  In their love life Omegas can be frustrating for their partners.  Omegas want to take care of their partner but at the same time aren’t into partners who need them all of the time. 

]Sometimes Omega’s just want to chill out on their own.  This kind of hot and cold relationship style doesn’t often lead to long lasting and meaningful relationships. 


Delta Males

The Delta Males are another of the somewhat lonely personality types. 

Though their loneliness is generally less intentional than that of the Zeta Males.  Delta personalities tend to be more modest than the other personality types.  Though in some cases Deltas personality types may have developed after some sort of trauma that makes them withdraw from the world a bit and lead a more modest existence.  Though they are hard working, driven and goal oriented Deltas still somehow manage to stage in the shadows. 

They will never get all of the attention that some of the other personality types will.  This can unfortunately make them resentful of the world around them.  Feeling as if they are always trying to forge ahead but never quite getting there.  Despite the mentioned loneliness though that doesn’t mean that Delta Personalities are always alone.  Delta’s aren’t like Zeta’s who shun relationships of a physical and emotional nature.  Instead Delta’s tend to be slightly more closed off even when in a relationship.  If a Delta was already cut deeply before they tend to develop a heightened self defense mechanism of keeping everyone at arm’s length. 

This can be especially frustrating for romantic partners.  As many come to find out that when dating a Delta, a partner may get in but they never get all the way in.  So even in a solid relationship both a Delta Male and even their partner may feel very lonely.  However if the partner is willing to stick it out they may have something very special.     Even though a Delta Males personality traits may not always make them the most fun at parties, they are definitely someone you would want to have on your team.


The Sigma Male

This is a personality type that really has only seemed to gain notice in recent years. 

They are another of the “Lone Wolf” personality types.   Though in this case they are less The Hangover style “one man wolf pack” and more linked to a “John Wick” style.  Specifically what I mean is that The Sigma Male tends to be cunning, self confident, likable and a bit manipulative.   They tend to be excellent communicators, this along with their self confidence tends to draw people into their orbit.

Though unlike other personality types Sigmas don’t usually seek out attention.  Any attention they gain is typically a by-product of their overall being.  As well as the results that come from their hard work.  In terms of jobs Sigmas tend to prefer to work for themselves as opposed to being tied down to a boring monotonous job. This independent streak and ambition also tends to make Sigma Males very adventurous too.   As it’s not  uncommon for Sigma Males to randomly decide to pick up and go.  With all of this going for them, Sigmas also is known for being a bit manipulative. Their mix of charm and confidence makes it easier for them to talk people into things.  Rather than try to bully others through sheer force of will or personalities, a Sigma Male may convince you of something before you realize it.  Due to their unique combined traits the Sigma Males love lives tend to be as unique.  Typically resulting in somewhat brief but passionate love affairs.

As a result Sigmas tend to be like bee’s always looking for the next flower.  Don’t be sad that its over, be happy that it happened at all. Unlike the alpha who projects an outward confidence, Sigma’s are like black holes  They are so internalized that it draws the world to them.


The Beta Male

This brings us to one of the more commonly known personality traits.  What is better than a Beta?

Well that depends on who you talk to.   Beta males are known primarily for their submissive personality tendencies.  They will likely do what they can to avoid confrontation.  They are the so-called “Nice guys” in the personality pecking order. Along with being submissive, Beta’s tend to be loyal, friendly and reserved.  The Beta male is the guy that is typically brought home to meet the parents while the Alpha is doing the wild thing in his date’s head.   

In other words Beta Males are typically the guy that women would marry after having fun with Alphas are Sigmas.  In society Beta’s are somewhat looked down upon as they lack certain desirable traits of the others. What they may lack in being brash adventurous they make up for in stability.  At work they tend to be nose to the grindstone types who work hard but never seem to get promoted. They are the beige wallpaper of personality types. They are important and serve a purpose but are rarely the first choice.  Typically Beta’s are the “safe” choice” in terms of partners.

But that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing.


The Alpha Male

Here we are, at the top of the personality food chain.  The term Alpha goes back to the wolf pack thing. 

Specifically the Alpha male is thought of as the dominant personality type in the pack that all others listen to and aspire to be like.  The idea being that every pack has an alpha.  Just to dispel something, that isn’t how wolves work.  Wolf society is much more nuanced.  That said Alpha’s are born leaders, they tend to be charismatic and dominating.  Women want to be with them, Beta’s want to be them.  They are generally the center of attention and for good reason. Beyond their personalities Alphas tend to be successful in whatever they aspire to do.  Which plays into the whole “top of the pack” mystique of this personality type.  Unlike the manipulator Sigmas,

Alphas tend to dominate outwardly.  This personality type tends to attract their own pack.

So there you have it, the 7 male personality types we know of.  Did you find yourself or people you know on this list? Hopefully you learned a bit more about yourself from this as well. We’re an ever evolving species and we’re all in this together.