Sigma males, by nature, tend to operate on the fringes of society as lone wolves. But living and functioning in the modern world makes it hard to exist completely independent of other people and their opinions. It can be hard when you feel like you are an outcast, or disliked, or even hated with no idea why. Well, knowledge is power, so here are 9 reasons why people hate sigma males:


Ignorance is bliss

Sometimes it seems people react badly to you just telling the truth, why is that? It is because most people fundamentally hate knowledge – they want to live in ignorance without seeking or accepting the truths you present. Rather than confront the truths you bring and leave their comfort zone, they like to delight in their own ignorance and those who reinforce that. The pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment is a hard path because intelligent people are generally more unhappy – this is why most people would rather be happy in a false life than evaluate who they are, their choices and their lives.


Fear of the unknown

When people don’t understand something, their instinctive reaction if to fear it. Sigmas are naturally mysterious and elusive, preferring to keep to themselves and that can make them appear brooding or hard to define. This means most people will find it hard to read you, leading them to retreat away rather than making an effort to understand you, which probably suits you just fine.



Sigma males are like ducks – calm and serene on the surface while paddling fiercely in the water below. This is different to the way most people operate; they can often be seen running around like headless chickens. To outsiders, it can seem as though Sigmas effortlessly go through life without playing along with the system and somehow manage to win anyway. What they don’t see are the cogs turning in your brain – always thinking, always strategising. This can build resentment.


Painful reminder

Most Sigmas are not condescending or boastful, but that doesn’t stop people being intimidated anyway. Your mere existence and triumphs inadvertently highlight other people’s shortcomings and insecurities. These constant painful reminders breed discomfort, and people, being ignorant, channel this by lashing out or bullying instead of improving themselves. They are too busy comparing and competing with you, while your only competition is yourself. It’s not you, it’s them. You shouldn’t feel the need to downplay your intelligence to fit in, because at the end of the day, their inferiority is not your problem.  


You don’t play by the rules

You like your own space and independence rather than following others, but you don’t want to lead either. You somehow blend in without belonging either. This can make you unpredictable and confusing to others, and alphas especially hate that Sigmas are the only men who don’t recognise or obey their social standing. While a lot of people are busy upholding social niceties, you say what you mean and mean what you say. Telling it like it is can come across as blunt, and that doesn’t always sit well with others.


Strong, silent type

A lot of Sigmas are introverts who prefer to observe their surroundings rather than join in and be the centre of attention. When you are quiet, people can misinterpret this as being stuck up or conceited. This can also result in bullying which only makes Sigmas retreat further into themselves. In general, Sigmas prefer smaller circles of friends who are on the same wavelength, and these friends understand that Sigma behaviour does not stem from arrogance.


Actions speak louder

A lot of people go through life wallowing and complaining; they would rather be a victim of circumstance than taking a risk to be in control of the consequences. Sigmas on the other hand, believe people who sit around and talk a lot without doing are not worth their time. You prefer to get up, spur into action and be in control by moulding your own life by the horns. This can be intimidating for people who are afraid of taking the same leap of faith when it comes to their lives. For a lot of people, fear controls their lives; for successful people, fear itself is only in the mind. Noam Chomsky said it best: ‘Optimism is a strategy for making a better future, because unless you believe the future can be better, you are unlikely to step up and take responsibility for making it so.’



Sigma males are highly passionate, determined and driven creatures which can be intimidating for those who are insecure about their potential and have no hopes or dreams. You however, are constantly evolving and learning in order to maximise your abilities. This devotion means you give your all to your passions; this can make other people feel like you are leaving them behind. In the light of your achievements, others can seem lazy, incompetent and inferior.


Self assured

Sigma males do not require external validation; they are very confident, self aware and by proxy, self assured. You know that there is no fulfilment in being praised by other people if your achievements don’t match up. This kind of attention tends to be short-lived and ultimately, worthless. Sigmas prefer to be renowned for their skills and talents, because they know these deeper and complex traits are much more valuable and long lasting.