Sigma males tend not to waste much time passing judgement on others. Their primary concern in life is with their own thoughts and actions, and they don’t often get involved with the lives of others. Every now and again, however, a sigma male will stop to take note of someone he finds truly impressive. It’s not easy to win the admiration or respect of a sigma male, so when it does happen – it’s a pretty noteworthy occurrence. Of course, everyone is different, but there are a few particular things that stick out as being especially impressive to those with the sigma male mind set. To find out just what these special occasions are, stick around, because we’re going to be discussing the most effective ways to impress a sigma male.


Be authentic

Sigma males have no time for the kind of act that most people put on in order to impress those around them. Sigma males operate as the lone wolves of society, lying outside the bounds of the social dominance hierarchy. They don’t feel the need to impress others or win favour in the eyes of their peers in order for validation. They can also see right through the people around them when they are not being authentic. A sigma male will be able to tell straight away if someone is being disingenuous with him, and putting on an act just to get ahead. This kind of inauthentic behaviour is deeply off putting to sigmas, and an easy way to win their respect is to simply be authentic with them.


Do what you love

Sigmas themselves are very dedicated to doing what they love in life. Pursuing their passions lies at the very core of their motivation in life, and their dedication to achieving this is part of the reason why they are so often successful in their pursuits. As it’s something they find so important for themselves to achieve, sigma males find it particularly impressive when someone truly follows the calling of what they love to do. Sigma males tend to admire those who are unapologetic about the things they love, and aren’t afraid to face judgement or backlash for following their passions.


Remain consistent

When sigma males get to know someone, they like to be able to rely on that person. They themselves like to develop a strong sense of inner self, and appreciate when they can see this core present in someone else. Sigmas don’t mould themselves to fit whatever situation they are in, rather they prefer to stay consistent and genuine at all times. Sigma males therefore greatly appreciate a person who can also be consistent and true to themselves at all times, not swayed by whoever they happen to be surrounded by at that given moment. Flaky people and fairweather friends won’t win much respect from the perspective of a sigma male.


Work hard

Hard work and dedication are two core tenets of the sigma male world view. Because they are so dedicated to pursuing their passions, they go all in when it comes to working hard. Sigma males are never ones to be caught slacking, and are typically dead set on hitting their targets. A strong sense of work ethic is something that instantly impresses a sigma male. Sigmas don’t tend to be too fond of collaborating or working with others, but those who display a goal oriented mind set and strong work ethic are far more likely to find themselves on the same team as a sigma as opposed to those who look for the easy way out of things.


Respect yourself

Sigma males live for themselves, first and foremost. They like to pour a lot of energy and reflection into making sure that they’re the best they can be, and appreciate others who can do so for themselves. Maintaining a good physical and intellectual regime, staying sharp, and being mindful are all ways of exhibiting self respect that win instant points with a sigma. Sigmas like to see that people take themselves seriously and look after themselves well, so someone who exhibits a lot of respect is sure to be more attractive to any sigma they encounter.


Don’t be a people pleaser

Sigmas don’t live to please others, and don’t understand those who do. They only do the things in life that they truly believe are worthy of their time, and uphold their values. Sigmas instantly feel disconnected from people who they can see are pure people pleasers, and like when they can see that a person has a sense of backbone. Sticking up for himself is a natural part of being a sigma male, and is a behaviour that he can recognise and respect when he sees it in someone else. If a sigma male thinks of someone as being a total pushover, he is unlikely to place much trust or responsibility in them.


Admit when you’re wrong

Sigma males are highly honest with themselves when it comes to their mistakes. They like to use any mistakes they make as a way of assessing themselves and learning what they need to change. Sigmas don’t see failures as failures, they see them as lessons. That is why it is particularly off putting to a sigma male when he sees that someone is completely unable to address their own flaws or mistakes. Sigma males understand that this is an immature mechanism rooted in fear, that ultimately serves to hold us back in life by shielding us from reality. Sigmas will instantly be impressed by anyone who has enough guts to admit when they are wrong, and get straight to the task of making things right.


Focus on growth

Growth is a value that is of especially high importance in the world of a sigma male. Sigmas hate nothing more than feeling a sense of stasis in their life, and do whatever they can to avoid it. They are naturally deep thinkers, and they put this reflective mind set to use in order to assess their own behaviour and identify areas for improvement. Sigma males are spurred on by witnessing a growth oriented mindset in the people around them, and being willing to embrace change is something that wins instant respect in the eyes of a sigma male.


Be adventurous

Risk taking and seeking adventure are two things that come naturally to sigma males. They are naturally curious about the world around them and love to try out new experiences and explore new ideas. They are always willing to throw themselves into the unknown if they think it might be an opportunity to gain new insight or experience. This adventurous zeal is something that sigma males admire when they see in other people, as it encourages them to be as open as possible to life’s opportunities.


Ask good questions

One well known characteristic of a sigma male is the natural intellect he possesses. Sigma males are known for being sharp and witty, and never missing a beat. They fulfil their natural intellect with a love of learning, and appreciate others who can facilitate this. Being able to ask good questions that raise interesting angles and cut straight to the heart of a topic is something that strongly impresses a sigma male. Sigma males often find themselves intellectually bored when engaging with other people, so someone who can bring good questions to the table, and really make the sigma think, is someone a sigma is bound to respect.


Be direct

Sigma’s are notorious for their disregard for small talk. As introverts, they find unnecessary socialisation draining, and as lone wolves, they don’t care about making small talk just to keep up appearances. If they had it their way, everyone would just cut straight to the point and do away with the whole farce of small talk. When it comes to social interaction, sigma males are impressed by those who manage to get straight to the point and be direct with what they have to say. In the eyes of a sigma male, this is simply the logical way to save both time and energy for everyone involved.


Deal well with complexity

Sigma males have a complex way of perceiving the world, and are especially good at identifying and analysing patterns in the world that others might not see. They like to challenge their analytical skills, and often find themselves grappling with complex topics. Even though they are not renowned for being particularly social, sigma males actually love to debate and discuss with others. This is only true, however, when the other person is able to grasp ideas with the same level of complexity that the sigma male does. Finding an intellectual equal is both impressive and exciting for sigma males, as they at last have someone with whom they can get in to the nitty gritty with and have conversations that they find truly valuable.


Be prepared for anything

Sigma males don’t like to be caught off guard by their circumstances or environment. They do their best to always be prepared for the unexpected, and appreciate when those around them do likewise. Sigma males tend to feel uncomfortable around those whom they know are not prepared for what life has to throw at them, as it may cause problems for the sigma down the line. When a sigma can see that someone else has thought of all the possible outcomes and has prepared for themselves a multitude of options, they feel more at ease, and are usually impressed.1


Always give 100%

Sigma males do nothing by half measures. When they set their mind on something, they go in 100%. Their high success rate, in both personal and professional areas of life, is largely down to this give everything you’ve got attitude. Nothing impresses a sigma male more than to see someone giving whatever they’re doing in life absolutely 100% of their dedication and integrity.