You’re probably already familiar with the male social hierarchy that places alpha males at the top, followed by beta males, then followed by delta, gamma, and omega type males. But have you heard of sigma males? They don’t really fit into this conventional pecking order, despite actually being at the same level of an alpha male – therefore experiencing the same type of attention and intrigue from others, as well as frequency of intimate partners.

You may have clicked on this article because you wonder whether you might be a sigma male yourself, and for that reason we have made this video giving you then ten signs to figure out if you are indeed a sigma male. 

A sigma male is essentially an introverted version of the alpha male, and although sharing many similarities and traits with their more archetypal counterpart, one of the main differences of a sigma is that they, by choice, live outside of the expected societal and cultural norms of the traditional alpha male dominance. The main key difference that will influence a male to becoming a sigma rather than an alpha male, is personality.

He doesn’t lead, or follow, he has no burning desire to be the boss, nor does he care to be one of the followers.

This means he is seen to walk a more solitary path, which is why sigma males are often referred to as ‘lone wolves’ or ‘wanderers’. They thrive on their own, and don’t need the constant social reinforcement that an alpha male is so in need of.

Being a sigma male puts you in a strong position, as you value your freedom too much to give a monkeys about where you fit on the social scale, and you’re certainly not going to waste your precious time trying to jockey for position.

Read until the end of the article, as later on we will be sharing the three benefits of living a sigma male lifestyle. But for now, we are here to address the unique traits of being one, so without further delay, let’s get into it.


You are self-sufficient.

Self-reliance and independence is one of the cornerstones to being a sigma. If you’re a sigma male, then not depending on anyone else to take care of you and avoiding authority to instead live in such a way that lets you control your own fate is what you seek.

You know how to recognise your own problems and are able to work out solutions to solve them, although you aren’t afraid to ask for help when you need it (and deem it appropriate).

Self-sufficiency is most common in the sigma male archetype above all others, hence it’s not uncommon for a sigma male to enjoy traveling and exploring. They are free spirits, and more likely not to own their own house or apartment, instead relishing the freedom that comes with nothing but a backpack of essentials and a plane ticket. If they need something, they will work out the way to get it on their own. They depend on no one.


You don’t conform to societal expectations.

Most people tend to fall into the category of being a leader, wanting to dominate, or a follower, complying with figures of authority. But a sigma male is a free thinker with independent thought; with no desire to dominate, yet no compulsion to accept authority either, although they may agree with them from time to time.

If you’re sigma, you don’t feel the need to do things that are conventionally expected or to follow trends – you march to the beat of your own drum. You know what you want, you know who you are, what defines you, and you don’t need the input of anyone else, whether from society or otherwise.  You listen to your own instinct, and while you may ruffle a few feathers along the way, you’re your own man and nothing can change that.


You’re a bit of a rebel and like to flirt with danger.

Following on from the previous point, your desire not to conform can mean you’re likely to be a bit of a rebel who goes against the grain, and perhaps likes to shake things up by following your own instinct and doing your own thing. This could cause some friction with alpha males and even bring some undesirable conflict in a group situation, which is another reason why you prefer working alone where possible.

Being so independent and non-conformist may mean you like to live more on the dangerous side of life, and while not being a troublemaker or someone who breaks the law, you don’t mind stepping close to that line! It’s not to show off, but doing things that may appear reckless, like riding motorbikes, bungee jumping, or swimming with sharks may appeal to you…but because of your intelligence, the risks are well calculated and thought through carefully.


You are adaptable.

Sigma males are more than capable of working well in a team or a group, even if they aren’t ever going to be a real team player. They are chameleons by nature and can easily adapt and change to their current environment, with their flexible personalities allowing them to adjust to different situations. One of the benefits for a sigma is being able to interact with a number of different hierarchies within society and taking on different roles within them, while at the same time never really becoming fully part of them.


You put yourself first.

A sigma male will put his own dreams and happiness above all else. Now, you may think this sounds very similar to that of an alpha – and it is, to a certain degree, except there is one major difference. For an alpha, he will sacrifice his own needs and wants for the good of his tribe, and also prioritise highly valued members of that tribe over themselves. Being a lone wolf; a sigma doesn’t care for tribes, unless the tribal serves a short-term practical or rational purpose for them. He doesn’t care how he’s perceived by others, and he will prioritise himself and his own goals over everything else in life, no matter if its personal, professional, or romantic.

A sigma male will prioritise himself 100% of the time.


You think dating and companionship is overrated.

Speaking of romance when it comes to dating, a sigma male will happily walk away from a relationship if it’s becoming a liability and is no longer worth his emotional investment. He dates for enjoyment, new experiences and connections, and to satisfy his sexual desires.

And in fact, a sigma male will usually try to avoid the trappings of any form of companionship because it slows him down. They can see it as a hindrance to getting what they want from life, and as sigma males don’t care how others perceive them, they tend to view human relationships as kind of mindless and nonsensical. 

They carefully select how they spend their social time, greatly aware of the baggage that often comes along with companionship.

A sigma male is in total control of his social energy and where he spends it.


You enjoy being alone.

Sigma males often fall towards the introverted end of the spectrum, which is why they are often labelled as being introverted alphas. This, unsurprisingly, results in the sigma males often preferring to spend time alone, enjoying their own company without the constant need of human interaction to feel happy and content. Therefore, they aren’t typically avid users of social media! Being a sigma male means instead to have more interest in taking part in activities which are self-fulfilling, like cultivating real life relationships, travelling for new experiences, or gaining financial independence and security.


You may lack social skills in certain settings.

High level social skills aren’t something that is typically found in a sigma male’s toolkit. You may be a sigma male if you find small talk boring, and you think it’s unnecessary to suck up to the boss, or brown nose people above you at work. You don’t care about trying to impress others and integrating yourself with them in order to do so just isn’t your thing. In fact, it goes against the values of a sigma male.

Do you reluctantly turn up to a dinner party in jeans and trainers, not giving a toss, or rarely reply to texts or emails because you have better things to do then be looking at your phone or computer? All these could be signs that you are a sigma male. 


You are greatly self-aware.

A sigma male isn’t only self-assured, but they’re also assured of what they want in life. They’ve thought long and hard about it and have declined the roles expected of them in a traditional society. As such, they don’t feel bound by those pressures, which allows their own wants, needs, emotions and desires to come first; and having a greater sense of self-awareness allows them to be able to manage their emotions more effectively.


You are quiet and contemplative; and that makes you mysterious.

Do you prefer to think before you speak? This is a typical trait of a sigma male. You don’t feel the need to be showing off and advertising how great you are to an audience – although you are probably extremely perceptive and able to read the room just as well as an alpha.

Sigmas take their time to think about things and to reach their own conclusions, and to analyse not only how they respond verbally, but to new information, experiences, and their emotions.

If you can relate, this automatically makes you appear more mysterious and enigmatic, which naturally draws others to you.

As you’ve probably worked out, there are many advantages to walking through life as a lone wolf, but here are three of our favourites:  


The number one benefit agreed on by most sigma males – being able to release yourself from the pressures of society and not caring about what others think is one of the most advantageous aspects of living in this way. Having this perspective gives you incredible internal power to live life unapologetically the way you see fit.


Whilst most people think of alphas getting all the attention from the ladies – sigma’s are at least on par with that. There are many reasons that women are attracted to the sigma male archetype, like their mysterious and enigmatic vibe, but one of the biggest being the way that sigma males are willing to walk away. This shows they are confident and content being with just themselves, and this, as opposed to a desperate and needy vibe, is a very attractive trait to females.


It’s much easier to manage time and money effectively when you’re not constrained by the usual trappings of societal expectations and pressures. With this in mind, a sigma male can do what they want, when they want, and be able to achieve more of their goals with the resources they have. Living life independently of anyone else’s judgment or opinion also opens up the desirable ability to be 100% authentically themselves – which you have to agree, is a pretty awesome way to live.