Sigma males are known to most as being the lone wolves of the social landscape. They like to live on their own terms and pay little attention to the goings on of the other people around them. As their lives are dedicated to freedom and autonomy, it often comes as a surprise to those on the outside to see a sigma male end up in a relationship. Settling with another person can seem almost like the complete antithesis to everything that the sigma male represents. This is largely based on misconceptions, however. While the sigma male does indeed prize independence and autonomy as his top priority, this does not exclude him from finding joy and comfort in the companionship in a partner. What it does mean is that the sigma male requires very specific qualities in a partner, and is very particular about what he seeks to gain from being in a relationship. We’re going to explore this unusual type of romance and unpack 14 of the most important things that sigma males want in a relationship.


Drama free company

Sigma males are very straight forward when it comes to their social interactions. They haven’t got the slightest interest in drama or gossip. Sigma males are never the type to engage in any kind of social games, and look for a partner who feels the same. They pursue prospects that are up front and straight forward with their feelings, and will generally have no problem backing off if it seems the person they’re dealing with is interested in creating drama. Honesty is the best policy when it comes to forming a relationship with a sigma male, as they truly value having all cards placed face up on the table.


Individual passions and hobbies

Some couples become so heavily invested in one another that they can veer into the danger of losing sight of any passions and hobbies outside of their relationship. It’s quite a common phenomenon for these couples to get completely sucked in to one another, which can make it extremely difficult to find any true sense of fulfillment or growth outside of the bounds of the romantic relationship. This ki d of relationship is the stuff of nightmares to the sigma male, who puts an extreme emphasis on his own personal growth and development throughout life. When it comes to finding a romantic partner, sigma males want to know that both they and their partner have interests and passions beyond the relationship that they can pursue independently of one another. That way, when they are together, they can share and appreciate each other’s individual passions and achievements.



Sigma males are naturally deep thinkers who more often than not possess a high degree of intelligence. They are easily bored with small talk and don’t find much pleasure in only discussing subjects on a surface level. Both in their friendships and their romantic relationships, sigma males seek out others who share their passion for deep consideration and learning. They need a partner with whom they can have genuinely stimulating conversations, and discuss the meat of the topics that they find truly interesting. Sigma males tend to find intelligence one of the most attractive qualities that a romantic prospect can possess, and often ranks far above more superficial traits such as popularity or beauty.


Stability with flexibility

As sigma males hate drama and view instability in a relationship as a time consuming waste of energy, they place a great deal of emphasis on settling with somebody with whom they have a stable lifestyle. They don’t have the time or energy to be constantly going through ups and downs and like to be with a partner that makes them feel safe and comfortable. That being said, sigma males are free willed personality types who don’t like to be caged. Therefore, the ideal partner for a sigma male is someone who can provide a sense of stability and easygoing-ness in life while still maintaining a lot of patience and openness. Flexibility is a critical trait to possess for anyone hoping to settle down with a sigma male, as sigma males are constantly shifting and growing throughout life. 


Someone who can think outside the box

Sigma males have a pretty unusual way of thinking about things, by most people’s standards. They have little regard for social convention and absolutely despise anything that gives off even the slightest whiff of dogmatism. They are, at heart, entirely free thinkers, and therefore come up with some pretty unique and surprising takes on the world around them. Some people may not be able to keep up with this idiosyncratic mindset of the sigma male, and simply won’t be able to understand them. That’s why sigma males seek out partners who can also think outside of the box. When two free thinkers come together in such a way, they can understand each other much better. A sigma male simply doesn’t have the time to waste constantly trying to make himself be understood, or for being judged for thinking outside the box.


Loyalty and trust

As they are not naturally sociable creatures, sigma males like to rely on themselves and themselves only in life. They do whatever they can to avoid developing any sense of dependency from or towards the people around them. As a result, it takes a long time for them to let anyone get truly close to them. It may take literal years for a sigma male to build up trust with someone to the point that they are genuinely close. The trust and loyalty of a sigma male is in keeping with their highly logical and rational nature, and won’t simply come out of nowhere. For a sigma male to show trust and loyalty to another person, it will have to be first proven that it is deserved. And when they give their loyalty to another person, they mean it – and they expect the same in return. When it comes to forming a relationship, true loyalty and trust are highly valued by sigma males.


Not to be showered with affection

As naturally introverted personalities, sigma males do not wear their hearts on their sleeves. They are not very outwardly expressive of their feelings in general, and the same can be said for their attitude towards love and romance. They are very rarely the kind of men to make grand gestures of love, and instead they let their feelings make themselves known in subtle, implicit ways. Sigmas are more comfortable with this kind of nuanced form of expression and appreciate when their partner is like minded. They don’t enjoy being showered with ostentatious shows of affection and would prefer a quiet, reliable demonstration of love.


Respect for their introversion

Sigma males are by nature more introverted than extroverted. They don’t tend to put themselves in particularly social settings without a good reason. When it comes to settling with a partner, sigma males seek out someone who will respect their introverted tendencies and won’t try to force them to perform a more extroverted set of behaviours. They don’t want to be dragged to parties or forced to make conversation, and prefer to be able to live a quiet, private life with the person they love.


Someone with interest in the sigma mind

The sigma male possesses a highly unusual way of thinking about the world around him. He is deeply analytical and observant and loves diving into all of his interests head first. The sigma male won’t feel satisfied with a partner who is without interest for his unique perspective. In a relationship, sigma males enjoy being with someone who has the patience and curiosity to get to know his unusual approach to life.


Someone who’s not afraid to debate

Sigma males are generally pretty reserved in their social behaviour. That is, however, until it comes to debating. Sigma males love nothing more than getting in to a good debate based on logic and reason. The highly analytical and intelligent nature of the sigma male leads him to get great pleasure out of giving his brain cells a good work out, and debating can be one of his favourite ways to spend time with other people. Some people may find this intimidating, but to those who know the sigma male well, they will understand that it all comes from a well-meaning place. Sigma males love when they find a partner with whom they can share this passion, and engage in a good debate without it becoming an argument!


Someone who can stand their ground

Sigma males are known for being pretty stubborn when it comes to their opinions. They spend a lot of time analysing anything before forming an opinion about it. Because of the careful thought involved in arriving at an opinion, once it’s been formed the sigma male will usually go to great lengths to demonstrate it. Sigma males have great respect for anyone else who can truly stand up for what they believe. So too, in a relationship, sigma males value a partner who can stand their ground when it comes to their opinions.  


Someone who stands on their own two feet

As independence is probably the most important value in a sigma male’s life, he tends to seek out a partner who is equally passionate about their independence. Sigma males usually avoid potential partners who seem to be overly dependent on others or lack the ambition or initiative to do things for themselves. Sigma males seek out a partner in life, not someone they have to be responsible for, so when it comes to romance they are looking for someone who can stand on their own two feet.



Perhaps the most important element in any relationship, the importance of mutual understanding goes for the sigma male as well. Sigmas don’t play by the rules of society, and can sometimes be pretty difficult for those on the outside to understand. They’re not the most natural communicators, so reaching a healthy level of understanding between one another can often take conscious work from both sides. For a successful relationship with a sigma male, it’s important to be patient, open-minded, and willing to put in the time and effort to really understand each other.