“The brave man carves out his own fortune, and every man is the sum of his own works.”

The legendary writer Miguel de Cervantes understood this all the way back in the 16th century. Bravery is what stands between a man being held back in life, and a man maximising his potential. Sigma males are one of the finest examples of bravery in action. So, let’s unpack just why exactly sigma males are so much braver than others.

Understanding the value of courage

In all of life, whether it be with family in the home, or political and social movements on a global level, no great change was ever made without bravery. Bravery is the essential skill that must be mastered in order to translate internal will into real world action. There is no greater shame than the times in life where a man knows what he can or should do, but does not do so out of fear. There is a far too common misconception that bravery means a life without fear. Sigma males demonstrate that this is far from the truth. Bravery is not the absence of fear, but the confrontation of fear. It is a foolish man who lives without fear and a wise man who overcomes it. There are certain habits and mindsets that can help to cultivate the kind of courage that will create empowerment, and lead to a more fulfilling life.


Their bravery is built over time

Bravery is not something that everyone in life is naturally endowed with. Rather than being an inherent trait, it helps to think of bravery as a kind of muscle that can be worked on and developed over time. Feeling fear and the urge to back down at first is normal, but sigma males are aware of the fact that everything in life is a process. They are ok with dedicating themselves to long term progress, and work all throughout their lives to feel strong being themselves and making their own decisions. Sigma males work hard on developing their courage, and in doing so it only strengthens over time.


They believe in themselves

There is a famous mantra that says: believing in yourself is the first step to success. This is something that sigma males put in to practice on a daily basis, as they understand that if they don’t have faith in themselves, no one else will. Sigma males live their lives with a deep set belief that they hold the power to change themselves, their conditions, and their environments for the better. They are able to visualise the changes they want to see in themselves and the world around them and have a firm belief that they have the ability to manifest these changes. Sigma males live with the belief that they are the makers of their own destinies, and therefore don’t let fear, judgement, or the opinions of others hold them back. Their immense self belief allows them to take risks that others may not have the courage to.


They don’t take themselves too seriously

Sigma males are hyper aware of the fact that too much ego is a recipe for disaster. While self respect is important, letting ego grow too large and spiral out of control often serves to make us unaware of who we truly are, and the reality of our surroundings. Sigma males acknowledge that in order to make honest and impactful choices in life, ego needs to be diminished as much as possible. Sigma males don’t mind looking weird, silly, or even foolish in front of their peers as they know that everybody makes mistakes and there’s no point in letting the fear that they might look silly hold them back. Sigma males are naturally lone wolves anyway, so they find it easier than most to rid themselves of any toxic ego and approach growth and opportunity from a perspective of honesty. 


Logical thinkers

At the end of the day, fear is an emotional response. It is the set of alarm bells that go off in our heads when we realise we might be about to face difficulty, and that we are not up to the task. Rather than get sucked in and overwhelmed by the emotional response that is fear, they maintain their approach of collected and rational thought. Sigma males have naturally logical brains and are highly analytical, and this especially comes into play as the sigma male cultivates his courage. Using logic, a sigma male can avoid emotional reactions to difficulty, and calculate the situation and his options with reason and a sound mind. By breaking everything down with logic, sigma males are able to work their way out of tricky situations, meaning their bravery really pays off.


They bounce back

Sigma males are not the type to stay on the floor if they get knocked down. When something doesn’t go to plan in a sigma male’s life, he doesn’t let this act as a barrier to achieving what he wants. If a sigma male faces difficulty, he springs into action and looks for the best possible solution, rather than wallow in a sense of hopelessness. Sigma males reject the nihilistic belief that there’s no point in trying to change things, and instead are driven by a natural dedication to growth and constant betterment. When it comes to something they believe in, sigma males manifest courage as they let all setbacks act as fuel for their next attempt at success.



Courage is not always defined by taking immediate action. Sometimes courage is in fact an act of patience, and requires ample discipline to put into use. In line with their analytical mindset, sigma males are highly skilled in the art of self discipline, and know when to retreat and calculate their next action. Sigma males cannot be goaded by ego or external pressure, and they know when to take a step and wait to make their next actions. Sigma males manifest the wisdom that it’s ok to lose a battle in order to win a war, and their long term, disciplined approach to achieving their dreams gives them the courage that they need to succeed. 


Great sense of personal responsibility

Sigma males know that if they want something done, the likelihood is that they themselves will have to be the ones to instigate it. When opportunity, or even necessity comes in life, sigma males feel a great sense of personal responsibility to live up to the moment and answer the call. They don’t accept excuses for themselves, and hold themselves accountable for the value of their actions. They know what they want to do, and they know what they need to do, and when the time comes they know that they and they alone are responsible for making sure it gets done. This sense of personal responsibility towards themselves fuels their courage and leads them to act up when no one else will.


They don’t care about the judgement of others

Sigma males live outside of the social hierarchy and walk their own path. They care little for the opinions or judgement of others and have no sense of commitment to the expectations of anyone but themselves. Fear of judgement is perhaps the greatest factor that stops most people from acting courageously and taking risks. Sigma males simply cannot force themselves to conform to what others ask of them, no matter how hard they try. They


Passionate and independent minds

Sigma males don’t like to conform to the wishes of others. They don’t let the society surrounding them determine what it is that they care about, and they often develop deep and honest passion for hobbies or causes that few others care about. But even if they are idiosyncratic, the one thing you can be sure of is a sigma male’s passion and dedication. As they are doing it for no one but themselves, you can be guaranteed that when a sigma male dedicates himself to something, he will dedicate himself fully. Sigma males will pursue their passions to the very end, and this unwavering dedication is a major factor in why sigma males demonstrate higher levels of bravery than their counterparts. Sigma males act from the heart and aren’t afraid to do something that nobody else has, which is why they so often end up as innovators in our society.


They understand that nothing lasts forever

Sigma males understand the transience of life. To them, everything is a journey and nothing lasts forever. They know that every failure can eventually be overcome, and without taking some risks along the way they are never going to grow to their true potential. Viewing life as something malleable inspires sigma males to take action in their life, and fuels them with a sense of courage. Sigma males see the fleeting nature of reality as a blessing, and use it as an excuse to let go of fear and anxiety. Rather than focus on the past or live in fear of the future, sigma males truly know how to live in the moment and do whatever it takes to make the most out of every opportunity.


They are completely self reliant

As lone wolves, sigma males don’t like to feel like they need to rely on anybody but themselves to get by. They possess a strong dedication to self sufficiency and are rarely seen to ask others for help. It is in the sigma male’s nature to want to provide for himself and those he has chosen to take responsibility for, and works hard throughout life to make sure he is capable of doing so. Being self reliant empowers sigma males to take risks on their own terms, and means they develop a great sense of confidence and security. When an opportunity for fear or uncertainty arises, a sigma male’s knowledge that he has built himself up to be the man he is strengthens his self belief and allows him to confront life with grace, confidence, and power.

The mindset and lifestyle manifested by a sigma male is a practice that builds courage and bravery over time. Applying these practices in life makes taking risks and confronting inner fears like second nature. How do you confront fear and manifest courage in life? Share your experience in the comments section and check out the rest of Bloke Box for more life changing tips!