When it comes to clashing with another person, there exists a wide spectrum for how people communicate their disagreements. Arguments tend to develop into fights when these communication styles take on a form that is aggressive and vindictive. Too often, people tend to let their ego and image get in the way of reason, and end up saying things in arguments that only serve to hurt the other person.

Others, however, approach disagreements with a focus on communication and resolution and possess a far greater ability to engage in productive conversations that avoid conflict. Sigma males possess a unique set of internal and interpersonal skills that allow them to engage in debates and conversation in a way that usually sees them come out with their point on top. Despite coming across as introverted in nature, arguments are one thing that sigma males usually prove pretty skilled at. This piece is going to explore the major tactics that sigma males use to win at every argument.


Listening carefully

It is not in the nature of a sigma male to want to dominate any interaction. They are observant, analytical, and often reserved in their social interactions. They like to focus on facts and logic, and therefore make for very attentive listeners. They want to be sure that they have fully understood their opponent’s position before launching into trying to tear down their argument. Listening carefully during an argument also allows the sigma to more easily spot holes or flaws in the other person’s argumentation, which they can later point out when arguing in favour of their own position.


Thinking before speaking

One of the biggest perks to the sigma’s introverted tendencies is his ability to hold his tongue when it really matters. Speaking before thinking is usually a consequence of letting emotional reactions cloud logical judgement, something that sigma males are naturally avoidant of. Even when an argument enters the realm of personal attacks, sigma males are able to stay logically focused enough to ensure that they always think before they speak. This ability ensures that they never get sucked into making points that they will later need to retract, and keeps the logical basis of their argument strong and intact.


Staying calm

Arguments tend to turn to fights when people lose their cool and start making things personal. Sigma males are able to acknowledge where the boundaries of the topic at hand lie, and don’t allow themselves to be sucked into the pitfall of getting worked up and resorting to attacking their opponent’s character. In fact, sigma males are notoriously good at staying calm in moments of high pressure, which makes them good to have around in a crisis situation as well as a challenging opponent in a debate.


Having respect

One of the most subtle but important ways that sigma males win arguments is by maintaining a sense of respect throughout the entire interaction. Sigmas understand that they have nothing to gain from being cruel or disrespectful towards their opponent. In fact, their opponent is far more likely to be persuaded to agree with the sigma if he makes them feel validated and respectful. Showing disrespect to another person only serves to alienate them, and sigma males understand that this is a sure fire way to have them leave the argument without having swayed them over.


Asking questions

When it comes to having an argument, too many people seem to think that the only thing that matters is having their own point heard. What people fail to realise is that an argument is really a form of exchange. In order to truly exchange opinions and information, points need to be explained and fully understood by both parties involved. By only making statements, and refusing to ask questions, people diminish their ability to fully understand, and therefore dismantle their opponents’ positions. Sigma males understand that asking questions is an effective way of spotting holes or inconsistencies in the points made by others, therefore opening an opportunity to prove them wrong. 


Using reason over emotion

Emotional arguments may sound powerful on the surface, but they rarely do much in the way of convincing a person to change their belief systems. Sigma males understand that if they want to truly convince someone else of their point, they need to root their argumentation in reason, and not pure emotion. Even when the subject matter is emotionally charged, sigma males are particularly talented at making sure never to lose sight of the reasoning behind their beliefs. Even when their opponent sinks to making purely emotional arguments, sigmas are able to keep their cool and stick to the facts.


Not engaging with fighting

An argument between two hot-headed or emotional people will all too quickly devolve into a series of attacks and end up as little more than a petty fight. Sigma males understand that fighting produces no beneficial results for either party involved, and really serves as nothing more than an emotionally draining waste of time. Rather than get sucked in to a fight, sigma males will use their cool exterior to keep tensions low, and put their full efforts into keeping the conversation civil and productive. This allows them to actually have an efficient exchange of opinions, and makes it far more likely that they will ultimately sway over their opponent. 


Not looking down on others

Sigma males do not view the world in the same socially hierarchical terms that most other people do. They do not view those around them as tools to their own ends. This is because they live outside the social dominance hierarchy, and rather than rely on others for their position in life, they make a point of relying on themselves only. This allows them to view all others as completely individual and equal, and not reduce them to their “function” in the social hierarchy. When it comes to debate, this egalitarian attitude allows sigma males to view all others as equals, and holds them back from being condescending or patronising. Sigmas benefit greatly from this, as people rarely respond well to being spoken to condescendingly in an argument!


Being honest

Honesty is a value that sigma males hold in incredibly high regard. This is because they understand on an instinctive level the true value of honesty. Sigmas are obsessed with analysing and understanding their environments and know that any dishonesty only serves to hold them back from gaining a true understanding of their reality. In arguments, sigma males will act as open books, which allows them to more quickly build up a sense of trust and respect with their opponent. This trust is important, as coming across as dishonest or shady in an argument is a sure fire way to discredit any point made. 


Understanding motivations

Sigma males are not content with merely coming into contact with the surface level appearance of the world around them. They are dedicated to digging deeper and truly understanding everything that goes on around them. And so, when it comes to having an argument, sigma males look deeper than the surface level arguments being made by their opponent. They use their powers of observation and analysis to shed light on their opponent’s motivations. By understanding the motivation of an opponent’s argument, such as “wanting to seem virtuous” or “proving their intelligence”, sigmas can then construct their response in a way that proves their own point without undermining their opponent’s motivation.


Maintaining control

When two people are engaged in an argument without a great deal of focus, often we see the topic meander away from the argument’s origin to a completely unrelated set of points. Sigma males are highly focused in their argumentation, and recognise the futility of letting an argument spiral away from its origin. They are careful to maintain control of the scope of the debate, in order to make sure that both parties stay on topic and a resolution can actually be reached.


Being open to growth

It’s a simple fact of life that we can’t be right all of the time, and every now and again even the most thought-through of our positions might hold faults. When the faults in our arguments are exposed, most people have a tendency to let their egos control their reactions and will either get emotionally worked up or simply close themselves off to listening any further. Sigma males, on the other hand, are particularly dedicated to growth and development, and this leaves them unafraid of being in situations where they might be proven wrong. They would rather be proven wrong and gain new insight and understanding rather than live in unquestioned ignorance. This openness to growth keeps them engaged and responsive throughout an argument, and means they are not afraid of admitting their mistakes and using them as lessons to learn from.


Never getting desperate

Sigma males do not enter arguments with the intention of convincing or winning over the other person. Rather, they enter with the intention of sharing their knowledge and perspective, and hearing out those of the other person. By being able to hold a discussion free from the notion of “needing to win”, sigma males are more capable of holding open and civil discussions that end up being far more conducive to agreement and new understanding than a ruthless debate.


By trying to understand

In a lot of arguments, people are so focused on their own arguments that they can barely spare a thought for the other person’s perspective. Sigma males avoid this pitfall by truly trying to empathise and understand the perspective of their opponent. Using a mix of observation, empathy, and listening skills, a sigma male will always make understanding the other person a priority when they are engaged in an argument. By understanding the other person, sigma males are able to present their own opinions in a way that is specifically tailored to the sensitivities of their opponent, which ultimately makes them far more effective at winning them over.

Sigma males make for incredibly effective debaters, and this is one of the few environments in which sigma males reliably come out of their shells. While they may come naturally to sigma males, putting these argumentation tactics to use is a sure fire way to improve the debating skills of just about anyone.