Sigma males prefer to exist outside the social hierarchy and are considered to be ‘loners’. Naturally, this means they have a higher correlation with introverted MBTI types. Today, we will be taking a close look at the INTJ Sigma male archetype specifically and how they act in their work environment and in relationships. If you are a truth seeker keen to learn more about yourself or understand the elusive man on the periphery of your life deeper, this one is for you.

Let’s start with breaking down what it means to be an INTJ in a nutshell. The letters indicate your personality focus in four dimensions; for INTJ the I stands for ‘Introversion’ vs. Extraversion; the N for ‘Intuition’ vs. Sensing, the T for ‘Thinking’ vs. Feeling and J for ‘Judging’ vs. Perceiving. This combination makes INTJs highly analytical and intellectual problem solvers. INTJs thrive at logical reasoning and enjoy using innovation to improve systems, structures and processes. 

Now let’s get to how sigma males act in the workplace

INTJ Sigmas typically present as reserved and serious on the surface, but make no mistake the cogs are always turning and they are constantly observing. As curious creatures and lifelong learners, they spend a lot of time thinking and trying to figure out the mechanisms behind everything they see. They do this by examining the information they receive in thorough detail, much like a computer’s processing system. If you ask them a question, you will see they often consider their answer in length before presenting a well thought out, insightful and complex response. Not many people would call this man particularly warm or gregarious; in fact, during most interactions he can come across as blunt and formal, but this is not personal – he simply prefers to stick to the facts. This no-prisoners approach can sometimes cause problems in rare social situations, school or the workplace because if someone’s ideas don’t make sense, the INTJ Sigma will not hesitate to point it out irrespective of their opponent’s hierarchical standing.

Due to these characteristics, INTJ Sigma males can usually be found in jobs which involve little to no interaction with other people. This is because working with logical systems feels much more comfortable than circumnavigating other people’s unpredictable emotions and whims. These working environments are stimulating and he thrives in them; navigating life like a chess board, he can foresee multiple outcomes and untangle the puzzle of the journey in his mind. They prefer to be independent and work alone, but are highly valued and respected members of the team nonetheless due to their self-assured manner, efficiency and organisation. INTJ Sigmas are not afraid to take initiative, so the best way to manage them is by taking a hands-off approach which allows them to flourish. He is the man to get the job done to perfection because of his instinctive thirst for knowledge, high standards and need to strive for continuous self-improvement. With a preference for working alone, INTJ Sigmas are not happy in supervisory positions because they don’t like to lead or be led; if it is absolutely necessary, they prefer to pull the strings from behind the curtains. After all, a true leader is the man who is secure and confident enough to give up the appearance of control, external validation and meaningless accolades. He will do what needs to be done and melt back into the shadows. The best career matches are those that involve a mix of innovation, creativity and cause-effect problem solving such as Engineer, Detective, Lawyer, Architect or Programmer.

These being sad let’s continue with our second aspect of INTJ sigmas, how they relate to relationships

It is a common misconception that INTJ Sigma Males rebuke all forms of sentiment and refuse to acknowledge human emotion. Broadly speaking, they do dislike drastic displays of feelings and will distance themselves from these dramatic situations. When you look deeper though, the truth is more nuanced – what they actually dislike is excessively emotional people. This is difficult to tolerate and can often irritate the INTJ Sigma because these displays are often unproductive. Highly developed and mature INTJ Sigma men are actually very in touch with their inner world, and by proxy their emotions – they just prefer to express them differently. Rather than expressing their views with feeling at the forefront, which is seen as a redundant waste of time and energy, they prefer to digest them internally and come up with a constructive action plan to best address their needs. Something that really aggravates this archetype are people who only come up with problems but offer no solution, or worse, are not open to solutions because they would rather drown in self pity. When interacting with INTJ Sigma males, you are much better off logically explaining the cause of what is bothering you and either offering solutions, or opening the conversation to discuss how to move forward.

We know that these men are highly independent, secure and self assured, so romantic relationships in particular don’t exactly come naturally. He is perfectly content with a solitary life and needs little else but his own company, so when he does decide to pursue romance, he will apply his high standards to seek someone on his wavelength and settle for nothing else. Instead of jumping into a commitment, he will take his time to analyse all variables and make sure there is a high probability of things working out. This is because INTJ Sigmas are fiercely loyal and take their duties very seriously. They want a meeting of the mind, body and soul where the two complement and challenge each other in a way that is conducive to the growth of each person as individuals and in the relationship. They want the person they are with to improve their lives, but they will also work passionately to understand their partner’s needs and improve their lives. Equally, if a relationship is stagnant or not working, they will not hesitate to take a step back and end things. While this may come across as extremely callous, it actually saves a lot of wasted time and hurt feelings for both parties in the long run.