Sigma males – it seems like women can’t help but respect them. Why is this the case?

Well, let’s start with the question: What do women really want? This is a question that has plagued men for millennia, and is likely to plague them for many more years to come. Psychologists, sociologists, artists, and the common man himself have spent lifetimes trying to decode the female psyche and understand what it is that makes a woman see value in a man. 

Of course, trying to put this down to a perfect science is a fool’s errand. Every individual woman is different from the next, and will be attracted to something completely different in every man she meets. Behaviours and habits that one woman can find attractive in a man could be considered downright repulsive by another.

But overall, there are some patterns. The idea of a “charmer” or a “lady’s man” doesn’t come from nowhere, after all. There are some men who seem to naturally win the respect and even affection of the women they encounter, without needing to put in any special effort or alter their personalities. Sigma males are a great example of a type of man that women seem to form a natural sense of respect for, and find themselves drawn to.

But just what is it about sigma males that wins women over in this way? Let’s take a look at the sigma male in action, and what it is that makes women respect him as they do.

Number 11: Sigma males are not trying to impress women

Sigma males are known as being men who don’t quite fit into the mould society creates for male social dominance. In the classic social hierarchy, alpha males are those who seek to lead, and beta males are those who seek to follow. The thing is, in either of these instances, whether it be alpha or beta males, they are still deriving their social value from their relationships with those around them.

In contrast, sigma males operate outside of this hierarchy, and therefore do not rely on the opinions or actions of others to validate their place in society. For this reason, they don’t waste their time trying to influence how other people think of them, which also extends to how they interact with women. Part of the charm of a sigma male is that he gets to know women without his ego getting in the way, and without any hidden ulterior motive.

Number 10: Sigma males are not afraid of taking risks

Unbound by society’s expectations, sigma males are known for their spontaneity and unpredictability to the outside. For this reason, sigma males often end up developing somewhat of a reputation for taking risks. This is due in part to the fact that sigma males know themselves so well that they are able to assess their own abilities with confidence. In their eyes, what may appear to be a risk to the outside is not a risk at all, because they know they can handle it. This combination of self knowledge and a deep understanding of his own abilities means that more often than not when a sigma male takes a risk, it ends up being worth it. Unsurprisingly, this ability to take risks and have them pay off is more than enough to win the respect of the women around him. 

Number 9: Sigma males are never needy

Branded as society’s “lone wolves”, sigma males are known for wanting to always stand on their own two feet. They never form friendships aiming to get something out of the person, and therefore their relationships are built on mutual respect. Sigma males are able to look after themselves and will never become needy or demanding from a woman, something that earns her respect and puts her at ease.

Number 8: Sigma males respect a woman’s independence

Much in line with the way a sigma male will never make himself needy or demanding towards a woman, so too does he expect the same in return. Sigma males value that every person is the maker of their own fate, and get along best with those who also value their own independence. Sigma males will never expect a woman to sacrifice her own autonomy in order to please him, a form of respect that is instantly reciprocated.

Number 7: Sigma males treat a woman as an equal

Because sigma males don’t have any expectations for those around them, they never put the people around them into boxes. Sigma males view everyone as equal in life, and judge them solely based on their actions and their integrity. They don’t see women as an object to be pursued or romanced, they simply see a woman as another human being with their own wants and motivations. Women are deeply attuned to recognising when a man is viewing them as below him, and the equal treatment that sigma males offer the women around them serves as a foundation for mutual respect.

Number 6: Sigma males are natural leaders, but forever humble

Whereas alpha males are known for setting out to lead those around him, the sigma male usually finds himself naturally ascending to a position of leadership and authority, without ever having sought it out. Under the right conditions, sigma males can ascend to high positions of leadership, even without the intention to do so. On some occasions, this even leads the sigma to fulfil the role of alpha, when the necessity for him to step up arises. But because the sigma male has never sought out this position, he remains humble for having achieved it. He understands that his influence is the natural consequence of his confidence and competence, and not some over which he should allow himself to develop an inflated ego. Seeing a man who has managed to attain power and influence, yet who has remained humble throughout, is something that wins over the respect of all those around a sigma male – not just the women!

Number 5: Sigma males are deep thinkers and passionate conversationalists

By nature, sigma males are deep thinkers. They lie more on the introverted side of the personality spectrum, and as a result, they like to spend a good deal of their time by themselves – reflecting and recharging. Sigma males hate nothing more than dogma and blind conformity, and dedicate a lot of energy towards developing their own unique view of the world. They spend their time alone reflecting on both themselves and their experiences, and as a result, form deep and nuanced opinions about the world around them. This makes them fantastic conversationalists when the topic comes to something that they are truly interested in and engaged with. Their passion, and the fact that they have clearly thought deeply about the subject they’re discussing instantly earns the respect of the women who get to speak to them.

Number 4: Sigma males live in the moment

A recognisably sigma male trait is that rare ability to truly live in the moment. The fact that they are unconcerned with what others think of them means that sigma males are more confident in seizing opportunities than many of the other men around them – beta or alpha. They have sharply attuned instincts and are good at making logical decisions, even under time pressure. This strong sense of instinct and logical reasoning make sigma males confident in their snap second decision making, further allowing them to live in the moment and seize opportunities without apprehension. Women love to see a man who is able to squeeze the most out of life, and the fearless, seemingly spontaneous attitude of the sigma male quickly wins women’s respect.

Number 3: Sigma males are intellectually curious

One of the most stand out characteristics of a sigma male is a seemingly unquenchable intellectual thirst. This boils down to the sigma male’s analytical nature, which causes him to want to probe and understand everything around him. Sigma males don’t deal in superficiality. They’re prone to getting sucked into deep research on the topics that interest them, and quickly become experts in their areas of passion – if you’ve ever been called the “walking encyclopaedia” of your friend group, you’ll be familiar with this sigma trait.

Truly understanding something complex brings them a deep sense of satisfaction, and fulfilling their intellectual curiosity is something that sigma males tend to devote a significant amount of their time towards. Women, like all those who meet a sigma male, quickly identify his intellectual curiosity and are charmed by his desire to explore and understand the world around him.

Number 2: Sigma males are naturally honest

Sigma males are very honest men. They like to get to the heart of things and skip the surface-level fluff. They simply don’t see the point in being anything other than honest, and always dish out their opinions as they truly see things. This can sometimes earn sigma males a bit of a reputation for being blunt or even harsh, but ultimately this is just a symptom of his unavoidable bare faced honesty. Women at first may be a bit taken aback by the raw honesty of a sigma male, especially if they are used to men lying to them or withholding information in an attempt to impress them or stay in their good books. Once a woman gets used to the honesty of a sigma male, however, she will understand just how refreshing it is, and it usually earns him deep respect.

Number 1: Sigma males are ultimately independent

The number one reason women respect sigma males is because at the end of the day, they are characterised by their independence. Whether it be in their professional, personal, intellectual, or romantic lives – sigma males are nothing but themselves and don’t feel the need to answer to anybody. Their fierce independence is impressive, because they never need to rely on others and can truly support themselves. Tigma males possess deep self knowledge and don’t need others to affirm their sense of self worth. Women can see this independence in a sigma male, and find it something instantly worthy of their respect. Seeing just how independent a sigma male is reassures a woman that she can expect a relationship built on mutual respect and support, as opposed to dependence or neediness. Sigma males win the respect of women in the best way possible – by being true to themselves.