The sigma male is best known for being an introverted and aloof character that marches to the beat of his own drum. This is in large part due to his choice to live outside the traditional bounds of the social dominance hierarchy. Sigma males walk their own path, and often this pays off big time for them. However, because of their oftentimes reclusive nature, sigma males can struggle when it comes to popularity – but this need not be the case. We’re going to explore how Sigma males can harness their unique traits in order to become popular like Keanu Reeves the best well known sigma male while still living outside of the social dominance hierarchy.

Understanding himself

Whereas other males in the social dominance hierarchy, such as betas and alphas, rely heavily on others for their advancement in society, the sigma male relies only on himself. He does not feel compelled to lead like the alpha does, nor compelled to follow such as is the case for beta males. Key to achieving popularity for the sigma male is understanding the unique position he occupies in society, and using this to his advantage. Despite what they might believe, the sigma male does not need to choose between walking his own path in life and submitting to the social dominance hierarchy in order to achieve popularity, as it’s possible to achieve a mix of both.

Most people attempt to increase their popularity by putting all their effort into trying to make others like them. Alphas do this by trying to impress those around them and gain respect and authority, and betas in turn attempt to win over the approval of the alphas. Rather than engage in this cycle, the sigma male can build his popularity by practicing certain qualities that bring out the best in his nature. This way, he can become popular and well-liked for reasons more attributed to who he truly is, as opposed to a specific social role he is trying to fulfil.

Become a good listener

While the sigma male is naturally a deep thinker and enjoys delving deep into the topics that interest him, he can sometimes find himself getting too lost in his own thoughts to be a truly good listener. One way sigma males can improve their popularity is by channeling their deep thinking and observant abilities into their listening skills. As sigma males do in fact listen carefully to what’s going on around them, they may not realise that part of being a good listener includes how you express the fact that you’re listening to another person.

Good listening skills – both internal and external – are instantly noticeable and make for a trait that inherently builds trust. Though he tends to be naturally stoic, simple changes such as nodding when someone is speaking, or giving affirmations that you understand, can make a big difference in how a sigma male is perceived as a listener. What’s more, becoming a skilled active listener is one of the best ways to learn about the people around you, and pick up on their little nuances. Having a better understanding of the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of his peers allows the sigma male to navigate social situations that he might naturally avoid with greater confidence and nuance.

Voice their appreciation

Sigma males’ introverted nature means they have a tendency to allow a lot of their feelings to remain unvoiced. In some scenarios, this can be highly positive, as sigma males rarely talk themselves into sticky situations, and almost never say more than they intend to. They make sure of what they’re about to say before they say it. For a sigma male to improve his popularity, however, there are some scenarios in which it might be beneficial for him to work on voicing his inner thoughts.

Especially when it comes to appreciation and gratitude, sigma males can benefit greatly from opening up more than they are naturally inclined to, and sharing with those around them. Letting the people around him know that he appreciates their company or efforts is a powerful way of breaking down any barriers that the sigma male’s aloof nature might create. Because of the sigma’s aloof and somewhat mysterious nature, his peers often find themselves asking questions such as “what is he really thinking?” “Does he really like me?” and “is he having a good time?” When sigmas express appreciation towards the people around them, it helps to humanise him, and removes any of the doubts that his peers might hold.

Maintain a calming presence

When it comes to gaining popularity, one of the most useful natural attributes of a sigma male is in fact his introversion. While for most in society, introversion can make most social interactions a more difficult task, the sigma male can in fact harness his introversion to his advantage. This is due to the fact that the sigma male’s introversion is rooted in a deep sense of inner confidence and self knowledge, as opposed to shyness or social anxiety.

The intersection between introversion and a deep inner confidence can leave the sigma male with a unique aura of calm and being at ease with himself. By embracing this calming aura, sigma males can in fact create an atmosphere that relaxes the people around them, and allow people a more comfortable environment in which to open up. Popular sigma males will often find that the people they spend time with remark on the calming nature of their presence, and praise them for how open and comfortable the sigma’s aura makes them feel. Sigma males who are at peace with themselves and are able to manifest this sense of zen in their social interactions set an example for those around them to likewise feel comfortable in their own skill, a sense of inspiration that can often lead to great popularity.

Stay humble

Humbleness is a trait that is often associated with the sigma male. In fact, the most famous and beloved sigma males are usually so highly respected for their ability to not only master various skills and stay true to themselves, but for their ability to remain entirely humble while doing so. Famous sigma males, like Keanu Reeves for example, are beloved by the masses for being a master of his craft

Generosity is a virtue

Sigma males are naturally introverted, and introverts are not known for being the best at reaching out. One way that sigma males can overcome this tendency to withdraw is to focus their efforts on being generous. This generosity can be both material and immaterial. Simple acts of kindness such as sharing leftovers or offering away things you no longer need demonstrates a basic level of care for others that can go lengths in earning popularity.

The same goes for more abstract and immaterial forms of giving, such as being generous with time and energy. Sparing a few extra minutes throughout the day to let others know you’re thinking about them is one of the hallmarks of truly popular people. Lending a minute of help to a friend or neighbour in need creates a sense of kindness and appreciation in those around you, and leaves people with a natural liking. Showing a little bit of generosity can generate good karma that leaves others happy to offer help in return.

Embrace their introversion

Rather than try to fight the natural tendency to be slightly reserved and withdrawn, sigma males can use their introversion to their advantage. When striving for popularity, it’s all too common to see introverts trying to overcome their natural quietness and feign a type of performative confidence that ends up coming across as fake and uncomfortable. Instead of trying to fight their introverted nature, sigma males that grow to popularity tend to embrace their quiet side, by making sure to present themselves in a way that exudes affability instead of condescension. Beloved sigma males like Keanu Reeves and Tom Hardy do not shy away from introversion, but have made themselves appreciated for their ability to simultaneously be kind, confident, and soft spoken men who naturally exude a quiet confidence.

Showcase your talents

As the only judgement that truly matters to a sigma male is that which he passes on himself, these men can sometimes tend to overlook the opinion of the world around them. They come up with their own rules and do what they feel is right regardless of society’s judgements. Sigma males devote their time to hobbies and passions that truly light their fire and bring them joy and fulfillment. They generally only engage with a project for their own fulfilment and appreciation. As a result, they may be inclined to overlook sharing the fruits of their labour with the outside world. While it comes from a good and humble place, it can end up holding back a sigma male from achieving his maximum potential when it comes to popularity and recognition. Devoting special attention towards showcasing the fruits of your labour to your friends can earn respect and appreciation, and open doors of opportunity that you might not have even known were there to begin with. The best thing about manifesting this trait is that there’s practically no bad outcome that can come from a sigma male choosing to share his talents with the world, but it can make all the difference to his popularity and the course of both his personal and professional life. 

Make friends based on passions 

One sure fire way to achieve popularity is to seek friends in spheres related to your passions. While sigma males are known for being lone wolves who prefer to operate alone and on their own terms, this does not have to extend to their social lives. Sigma males are deeply passionate about their hobbies and interests, and can harness this to become incredibly popular among circles of friends that share similar interests. As sigma males prefer to dive into deep conversation rather than dabble in small talk, looking for friends in circles that already share passion and interest is a great way to skip ahead to the type of socialising that sigma males are best at. Joining clubs and special interest societies are great ways for sigma males to come out of their shell and become popular among friends that will truly appreciate their passion and skills.